Results for 'Ĭosyp Bendyktovych Pohrebysʹkyĭ'

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  1. Gotfrid Vilʹgelʹm Leĭbnit︠s︡.Ĭosyp Bendyktovych Pohrebysʹkyĭ - 1971
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    Phywa-pa Chos-kyi-seng-geʼi gsung gces btus dbu tshad kyi yig cha bzhugs so.Phya-Pa Chos-Kyi-Seng-Ge - 2012 - Lhasa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig-dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang.
    Selection of author's works on Svātantrika Madhyamika philosophy and logic.
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    Kyïvsʹki obriï: istoryko-filosofsʹki narysy.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ & Maryna Tkachuk (eds.) - 1997 - Kyïv: Informat︠s︡iĭno-vydavnychyĭ t︠s︡entr Stylos.
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    Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho (eds.) - 2012 - Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
    Buddhits logical debates according to Kagyudpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.
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  5. Narysy z istoriï filosofsʹkoï kulʹtury Kyïvsʹkoï Rusi: seredyna XII-seredyna XIII ct.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1993 - Kyïv: Naukova dumka.
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    Relihiĭno-filosofsʹka dumka v Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohyli︠a︡nsʹkiĭ akademiï: i︠e︡vropeĭsʹkyĭ kontekst.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 2002 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyĭ dim "KM Akademi︠a︡".
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  7. Sotsialʹne seredovyshche ta istoryko-filofsʹkyĭ protses.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1969
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    Fenomenolohii︠a︡ mudrosti: dukhovni priorytety ta imperatyvy (sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofsʹkyĭ kontekst): monohrafii︠a︡.P. M. Lisovsʹkyĭ - 2016 - Kyiv: Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova.
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  9. Grub mthaʾ thams cad kyi khuṅs daṅ ʾdod tshul ston pa legs bśad śel gyi me loṅ.Thuʾu-Bkwan Blo-Bzaṅ-Chos-Kyi-ÑI-Ma - 1962 - [Banaras:
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  10. Problemy vykladanni︠a︡ lohiky i dyst︠s︡yplin lohichnoho t︠s︡yklu: materialy Miz︠h︡narodniï naukovo-praktychnoï konferent︠s︡iï, Kyïv, 13-14 travni︠a︡ 2004 roku.A. I︠E︡ Konversʹkyĭ & I. V. Khomenko (eds.) - 2004 - Kyïv: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyĭ t︠s︡entr "Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet".
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  11. Kun gzigs Ma hā Paṇḍi ta Rje Bla ma Gzhan phan chos kyi snang baʼi gsung thor bu las zhal gdams ʼbel gtam gyi skor rnams: collected instructions and useful explanations of Buddhist philosophical concepts. Gzhan-Phan-Chos-Kyi-Snang-Ba - 1985 - Rewalsar, Distt. Mandi, H.P., India: Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute.
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    This is your brain on stereotypes: how science is tackling unconscious bias.Tanya Lloyd Kyi - 2020 - Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press. Edited by Drew Shannon, Jennifer Stokes & Kathleen Keenan.
    An essential overview of the science behind stereotypes: from why our brains form them to how recognizing them can help us be less biased.From the time we're babies, our brains constantly sort and label the world around us --- a skill that's crucial for our survival. But, as adolescents are all too aware, there's a tremendous downside: when we do this to groups of people it can cause great harm. Here's a comprehensive introduction to the science behind stereotypes that will (...)
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    Polisutnisne homo: filosofsʹko-mystet︠s︡ʹka dumka v poshukakh "neevklidovoï reflektyvnosti".Vitaliĭ Heorhiĭovych Tabachkovsʹkyĭ - 2005 - Kyïv: Parapan.
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  14. Under the Cipher of Sophia.S. Kryms'kyi - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):80-87.
    If anthropogenesis was a transition from nature to society and the Neolithic revolution culminated in the breakthrough of human beings into history, then the appearance of cities on our planet, the "urban revolution," marked the rise of civilization, mankind's induction into the spiritual universe. The rise of cities marks the onset of what K. Jaspers called the Axial Period" (eighth-second centuries B.C.). This is the period in which the spiritual preconditions of humanity took shape: the Bible, the Iliad and Odyssey, (...)
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    Плюралізм етнічних ідентичностей як чинник утворення паралельних православних ієрархічних структур в україні.A. Babins’kyi - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:229-240.
    Eucharistic ecclesiology, which underlies Orthodox ecclesiology, has at its core a communion between the Local Churches. In practice, it manifests itself in the mutual recognition between the various autocephalous and autonomous Churches. The head of a separate Church of the Universal Orthodoxy during the Liturgy commemorates all the leaders of other self-governing Orthodox Churches. Communion through the sacraments also happens between the Churches, namely, unity is manifested through communion in the Eucharist. The teachings of the early Christian author, Ignatius Theophoros, (...)
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    Doroha do sebe: vid osnov sub'i︠e︡ktnosti do vershyn dukhovnosti: monohrafii︠a︡.Myroslav Boryshevsʹkyĭ - 2010 - Kyïv: "Akademvydav".
  17. Sde-dgeʼi Bkaʼ-ʼgyur.Si-Tu Paṇ-Chen Chos-Kyi-ʼbyung-Gnas (ed.) - 1996 - [Sde-dge]: [Sde-dge par khang chen mo].
    volume ka-pa [1-13]. ʼDul ba -- volume ka-a [14-25]. ʼBum [Sher phyin] -- volume ka-kha, a [26-28]. Nyi khri -- volume ka-nga [29-32]. Khri brgyad stong pa -- volume ka [33]. Brgyad bstong pa -- volume ka [34.] Sher phyin sna tshogs -- volume ka-ga, a [35-38]. Phal chen -- volume ka-cha [39-44]. Dkon brtsegs -- volume ka-am [45-76]. Mdo sde -- volume ka-wa [77-96]. Rgyud ʼbum -- volume ka-ga [97-99]. Rnyin rgyud -- volume shri [100]. Dus ʼgrel -- volume (...)
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  18. Thun moṅ bsdus paʼi sdom tshig blo gsal dgaʼ bskyed.ŹWa-Dmar Drug Pa Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug - 2012 - In Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
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    Kod maĭbutnʹoho: kryza li︠u︡dyny v evropeĭsʹkiĭ filosofiï vid ekzystent︠s︡ializmu do ukraïnsʹkoho shistdesi︠a︡tnyt︠s︡tva = Code of the future: The Crisis of human being in the European philosophy from Existentialism to the period of the Ukrainian ʻSixties.Dmytro Drozdovsʹkyĭ - 2006 - Kyïv: Vsesvit.
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  20. Bili︠a︡ dz︠h︡erel: narysy z istoriï filosofsʹkoï kulʹtury Ukraïny.Vilen Serhiĭovych Horsʹkyĭ - 2006 - Kyïv: KM Akademii︠a︡.
  21. Chelovek i istorii︠a︡ v srednevekovoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli russkogo, ukrainskogo i belorusskogo narodov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1987 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Davnʹorusʹki li︠u︡bomudry.Vilen Serhiĭovych Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 2004 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyǐ dim "KM Akademii︠a︡".
  23. Filosofsʹka dumka na Ukraïni: pravda istoriï i nat︠s︡ionalistychni vyhadky.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1987 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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  24. Filosofii︠a︡ v ukraïnsʹkiĭ kulʹturi: metodolohii︠a︡ ta istorii︠a︡.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 2001 - Kyïv: T︠s︡entr praktychnoï filosofiï.
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    Guest Editor's Introduction.Vilen Hors'kyi - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):4-7.
    This issue of the journal consists of articles by Ukrainian historians of philosophy devoted to one of the most colorful periods of the history of Eastern Slavic nations-the period of Kievan Rus', a state formation of the ninth-thirteenth centuries in Eastern Europe.
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    Istorii︠a︡ filosofii i kulʹtura.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ & Anatoliĭ Hordii︠e︡nko (eds.) - 1991 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  27. Istoriko-filosofskoe istolkovanie teksta.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1981 - Kiev: "Nauk. dumka".
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    Istorii︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoï filosofiï: kurs lekt︠s︡iĭ.Vilen Serhiĭovych Horsʹkyĭ - 1996 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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  29. Otechestvennai︠a︡ obshchestvennai︠a︡ myslʹ ėpokhi srednevekovʹi︠a︡: istoriko-filosofskie ocherki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ, V. M. Nichyk & S. V. Bondarʹ (eds.) - 1988 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  30. Proekt modernoho svitohli︠a︡du.Valerii︠a︡n Horbachevsʹkyĭ - 1957 - N'i︠u︡-Ĭork: East Side Press.
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  31. Spadshchyna Pamfila I︠U︡rkevycha: svitovyĭ i vitchyzni︠a︡nyĭ kontekst: zbirnyk naukovykh stateĭ.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1995 - [Kiev?]: Nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ universytet "Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohyli︠a︡nsʹka akademii︠a︡".
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    The Conception of Philosophy in the Culture of Old Kiev.Vilen Hors'kyi - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):8-17.
    Reflecting on the distant past in trying to answer the question whence philosophy arose in Kiev, we naturally turn first of all to that colorful period in the history of our city when it was the center not only of the political but also of the spiritual and cultural life of the great state of Rus'.
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  33. U istokov obshchnosti filosofskikh kulʹtur russkogo, ukrainskogo i bolgarskogo narodov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  34. U poshukakh istyny: vzai︠e︡modii︠a︡ filosofiï i mystetstva.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 1979 - Kyïv: Mystetstvo.
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  35. Zasady modernoho postupu.Valerii︠a︡n Horbachevs'kyĭ - 1959 - Ni︠u︡ Ĭork: [S.n.].
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    Sumlinni︠a︡ inteligenta: statti, narysy, eseï.Volodymyr Hrabovsʹkyĭ - 2018 - Drohobych: Posvit.
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    Vidrodz︠h︡enni︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoï filosofiï v URSR (1960-1980 rr.): notatky "vkli︠u︡chenoho sposterihacha".Serhiĭ Hrabovsʹkyĭ - 2014 - Kyïv: KMA.
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    Тлумачення проблеми щастя в історичному та філософсько-релігійному контексті.Ya Hvozdec’kyi - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:5-13.
    During the development of science, the accumulation of information and various spiritual and moral problems in the modern world, many different landmarks are confronted with man. To achieve them, various means and methods are used by which a person tries to find his place in the world, to realize himself as an individual. In constant search, one tries to find harmony with the outside and the inner world, to feel happy, which is a testament to the harmony of the spiritual (...)
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  39. Estetyka--vlastyvosti, i︠a︡vyshcha i prot︠s︡esy.Adam Hnatovych Kaminsʹkyĭ - 2003 - Ternopilʹ: Ekonomichna dumka.
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  40. Etyka ta estetyka v strukturi suchasnoho humanitarnoho znanni︠a︡: materialy naukovo-teoretychnoï konferent︠s︡iï.A. I︠E︡ Konversʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1997 - Kyïv: Red. T︠S︡entr "Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet".
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  41. Filosofsʹki chytanni︠a︡ pam'i︠a︡ti Pavla Kopnina: 4-5 z︠h︡ovtni︠a︡ 1997 roku.A. I︠E︡ Konversʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1997 - Kyïv: Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet im. Tarasa Shevchenka.
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  42. Hryhoriĭ Savych Skovoroda: z︠h︡ytti︠a︡ i dei︠a︡ki dumky ukraïnsʹskoho filosofa-spirytualista.M. I. Kovalynsʹkyĭ - 1956 - London: Nakladom Ukr. vydavnychoï spilky. Edited by I︠U︡riĭ Rusov.
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    Kantova antropolohii︠a︡: dz︠h︡erela, konsteli︠a︡t︠s︡iï, modeli: monohrafii︠a︡.V. P. Kozlovsʹkyĭ - 2014 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyĭ dim "Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohyli︠a︡nsʹka akademii︠a︡".
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    The peculiarity of the development of the Islamic phenomenon in the Donetsk region.I. A. Kozlovs’kyi - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:178-182.
    Throughout all the years of independence and the systemic transformation that Ukraine is currently in, the country's official policy on religious phenomenon has undergone significant positive changes compared to the previous period. It also affected the creation of certain conditions for the functioning of different religious organizations and the very nature of the religious factor in society. In our view, the process of revival and development in the new historical conditions of Islam in the context of the specific culture of (...)
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  45. Nauchnoe znanie i print︠s︡ipy ego transformat︠s︡ii.Serhiĭ Borysovych Krymsʹkyĭ - 1974
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    Contemporary Ukrainian Ethnic Religion: Essence and Basic Currents.V. V. Kurovs’kyi - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 33:34-46.
    Due to the growing religiosity of the Ukrainian population, there is a need to explore more deeply the new religious movements that are emerging in our territories. In particular, to consider the problem of modern Ukrainian paganism. Given that the number of believers and adherents of neo-pagan doctrines is increasing every year, this makes the study of this phenomenon quite relevant. The subject of paganism and neo-paganism is increasingly beginning to be raised at scientific religious conferences, covered in educational literature (...)
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  47. Krytyka suchasnykh burz︠h︡uaznykh kontseptsiĭ sutnosti li︠u︡dyny.Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Kurhansʹkyĭ - 1971 - "Naukova Dumka".
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    Filosofsʹki tvory: v trʹokh tomakh.Stefan Iavors kyi, I. V. Paslavs kyi & I. S. Zakhara - 1992 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    What will I discover?Tanya Lloyd Kyi - 2023 - London: Greystone Kids. Edited by Rachel Qiuqi.
    Sometimes, it seems as if scientists know everything about the world. They've recorded the songs of humpback whales, dug up the bones of dinosaurs, and tracked the storms of Jupiter. But the child scientist in What Will I Discover? knows there is so much more to explore. Do different trees speak different languages to one another through their tangled rainforest roots? Do faraway suns have planets like ours, with air and oceans and land? How do ideas pop into our heads, (...)
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  50. Postvoi︠e︡nna Ukraïna: kvantova filosofii︠a︡ ta zakhyst myrnoho neba: navchalʹnyĭ posibnyk.P. M. Lisovsʹkyĭ - 2022 - Kyïv: Universytet "Ukraïna". Edited by I︠U︡. P. Lisovsʹka.
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